Stockholm – The process of writing a master thesis
Assalamu Alaikum!
One KTH student who sits in the SMFR Stockholm City local will talk about the process of writing master thesis. How he came up with his idea, how he gathered information and some things to think about when you write a master thesis.
The subject of the master thesis was ”Dynamic Analysis of Sinusoidal, Random and Shock Vibration according to Launch Environment for Small Spacecraft Development to Asteroid 2016-H03”.
During this evening you will Inshallah know how to come up with an idea to write a master thesis. This presentation can also be helpful for you that write other forms of essays. Bring your friends and siblings! There will Inshallah be very good fika
Adress: Dalslandsgatan 2, Kansliet, T-bana Skanstull
When: 11 april, 17:30-20:00
Contact: Tuan-Ibrahim Pohniluemaeh (076-7046103)
Everyone is welcome!
Assalamu Alaikum/Fredliga hälsningar!
En KTH student som sitter i SMFR Stockholm Citys styrelse kommer tala om processen för hur man skriver en masteruppsats. Hur han kom på sin idé, samlade in material och saker man bör tänka på när man skriver sin masteruppsats.
Ämnet på hans masteruppsats var ”Dynamic Analysis of Sinusoidal, Random and Shock Vibration according to Launch Environment for Small Spacecraft Development to Asteroid 2016-H03”.
Under denna kväll kommer ni Inshallah få inspiration för hur man kommer på en idé för hur man skriver en masteruppsats. Den här presentationen kan också vara till hjälp om du skriver andra former av uppsatser.
Ta med kompisar och syskon!
Det kommer Inshallah bjudas på god fika.
Adress: Dalslandsgatan 2, Kansliet, T-bana Skanstull
När: 11 april, 17:30-20:00
Kontaktperson: Tuan-Ibrahim Pohniluemaeh (076-7046103)
Varmt välkommen!